Caricamento Eventi

11th Lecture of the Year 2022

01/12/2022 – presso Auditorium Lugano Campus
(Angela Vincent, MB BS FMedSci FRS Supported by Fondazione Sir John Eccles Fondazione John Eccles)



RelatoriTitolo delle presentazioni
Prof. Dr. med. Alain Kaelin
Direttore medico e scientifico, Neurocentro della Svizzera Italiana EOC
Prof. Michele Mainardi, Dr. Phil.
Professional University School of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI), Training and Learning Department Vice President Fondazione Sir John Eccles
Angela Vincent, MB BS FMedSci FRS Emeritus
Professor of Neuroimmunology Honorary Research Fellow Somerville College Former Head of Department of Clinical Neurology University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences (Clinical Neurology) and Neurosciences Group, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford OX3 9DS Honorary Professor, UCL; Visiting Professor King’s College, London
11th Lecture of the Year of the Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland (video)



11th Lecture of the year 2022